Morning Sickness
Why they call it morning sickness, I don’t know. Mine has lasted all day sometimes and popped in and out throughout the day other times. My last four pregnancies I had it last past the first trimester all the way in to the third. No fun. This pregnancy I was determined to figure out how to manage it better, and while I didn’t get rid of it completely, it certainly has been better than my last four pregnancies.
This was my first pregnancy that I tried acupuncture. I hadn’t thought that it was something that could be used to alleviate nausea. My sister had told me that her last pregnancy she tried it. She had suffered from hyperemesis with all of her pregnancies, and the only relief she found was with acupuncture. I have been going twice a week, only four sessions in, and have not thrown up for over a week now. I was throwing up at least once a day (some days more), so this is huge for me. I also don’t feel as nauseous I was. This is why acupuncture is at the top of my list.
I made a point to up my protein. While I’m not a huge fan of supplements, especially if you can get it from food, I find pregnancy to be an exception. It is hard for me to eat enough when nauseous. So I rely heavily on protein powder as it is easy for me to consume and keep down. Find a pure source. I like Just Ingredients. I also add collagen and peanut butter to my smoothie.

Other ways to get protein in is to just eat it. Make it the center of your meal. Chicken, beef, whatever your favorite source may be, eat more of it.
Raw Milk

I have never been a huge milk drinker unless it was in cereal or with sweets like brownies or cookies. However, as an adult (and especially while pregnant), I try not to consume too many of those foods. So the way I get this in is by having a smoothie once or twice a day. The way I make it is really such a treat too, that I look so forward to it.
Raw milk has not been pasteurized. This leaves it more nutrient rich, easier to digest, boosts the immune system, and can reduce allergies. Since raw milk is not heated, it leaves nutrients intact.
Raw milk contains many vitamins. One of them that is known to help morning sickness is B vitamins. Raw milk has all the B vitamins, especially high in B2, B6, and B12.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is known to help alleviate pregnancy nausea. As mentioned above, it is found in Raw Milk. It is also found in foods like bananas, avacados, salmon, eggs, beef, chicken, liver and more.

I like to make sure I’m getting enough, so I also take this Liquid B Complex.

Magnesium is another nutrient that can help alleviate morning sickness. You can take it in pill form, which I find hard to do when feeling gaggy. Personally I like using a Magnesium Spray. I also enjoy taking Epsom Salt Baths. Epsom Salts are also known as Magnesium Sulfate.
Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are an amazing and safe option for most ailments. I ordered a kit, but you can also order the remedies individually. These are the remedies I used the most to help alleviate morning sickness:
Essential Oils

Essential Oil can help alleviate morning sickness. You can simply open the bottle and sniff it, diffuse it, or wear it on your wrists like a perfume and smell it as needed. I personally use peppermint and spearmint essential oils and sniff them from the bottle. Others that can help include ginger, lavendar, and chamomile.
Morning Sickness Candies
There are many kinds of morning sickness candies ranging from cough drop style to lollipops. I personally used the Pink Stork Nausea Sweets and found them helpful.

If you like tea this is for you. If you don’t, try adding extra honey, that’s how I worked my way in to drinking tea! My favorite tea is the Organic Great Value Turmeric Ginger Tea. Ginger, peppermint, or spearmint teas will all help alleviate morning sickness.

You do not want to and cannot afford to get dehydrated. If you do, make sure you get some IV fluids. There are companies who can come to your home or if it is really bad go straight to the ER.
To stay on top of it, don’t drink plain water. Add some salt or lemon. Personally I like to add Liquid IV Powder to my water. Sometimes that isn’t enough and I need something thicker, like juice. I normally don’t drink or buy juice for our home, but when it comes to pregnancy nausea and staying hydrated you will find me drinking crangrape juice as it is one I can enjoy and keep down.
Wear Loose Clothing

If it is tight around your hips, waist or stomach, it may give you more problems. At least I have this to be true. I may even be a little more sensitive than many in this area, but have found relief through not wearing tight clothes or undergarments. My favorite thing to wear is long flowy dresses.
Rest & Relax

Find time to kick your feet up, to nap, to go to bed at a decent hour. Even if I don’t nap I find laying down and closing my eyes for a bit helps. Fresh air also helps, so swinging in a hammock or sitting on the front porch can be nice if the weather permits. As I mentioned above, baths are super helpful. You can use epsom salts and relax.
Another helpful tool is a pregnancy pillow. I get really bad low back pain that can cause nausea. I have found using my pregnancy pillow helps so much! Also chiropractic visits can help.
Give Yourself Permission
Permission to what you may ask? To vomit. My other pregnancies I avoided it like the plague. I hate vomiting, it feels like I’m drowning. I found the more I try to avoid it, the more stressed I get, the more nauseated I feel. Also, after it is over sometimes I find relief from the nausea. What has been super helpful for me is to carry around emesis bags. I pack them in my diaper bag, car, night stand, bathroom drawer, living room drawer, etc.
You Got This!
Find what works for you! Not everything that I’ve heard of worked for me, such as the acupuncture bands, but I know they work great for others!
Remember, if you can’t keep it down, don’t force it.
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7 Natural and Safe Ways to Alleviate Morning Sickness
I suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum during my pregnancies and many of these things you memtioned I have used or tried in the past. They help a especially the protein, college, rest, hydrating,and magnesium! I think reducing stress and going to a good acupuncturist helped a ton as well!
I have never tried an acupuncturist, but after hearing how it worked for you, I would love to!